No Justice In TV Land
>> Tuesday, July 26, 2011
This post is brought to you by the letter J. J as in justice…or lack thereof.
Well folks, we law-abiding citizens of TV Land just got served. And I ain’t talkin’ TV dinners.
Once again, the powers that be in Network Conglomerate World have decided, unbeknownst to us, to cancel our favorite programming. Once again, we are left with oodles of reality shows and CSI knock-offs. Once again, sci-fi and good storytelling get stamped with a great big “CANCELLED” in obnoxious red ink.
First it was Alias. At least they gave that one an attempt at a send-off. It was a bit on the lame side, especially for such a great show, but kudos to them for at least giving it an ending.
Next it was Heroes. They left us with a cliffhanger, and we’re still hanging.
Now it’s V and No Ordinary Family. What gives? No ending? No final hurrah? Whaddya mean I don’t get to find out what happens next? Whaddya mean if I want to watch sci-fi I should try cable TV? (Yeah, SyFy plays some good stuff, but you know times are hard in the sci-fi universe when even they play fake-o big time wrestling to fill air time.)
Call the Nielsen Ratings people! Why didn’t I get to be on your panel this time, huh?
Call Jack Bauer! Somebody’s tookus needs kicking!
Call Congress! They can’t mess it up any worse than it already is, right?!
There’s just no justice in TV Land.