Books and a Review
>> Monday, August 5, 2013

I recently completed one of those eight books, The Harbinger by Jonathan Cahn. The subtitle is “The Ancient Mystery That Holds the Secret of America’s Future.” Although a work of fiction, the author informs us at the beginning of the book that the story contained within is based in reality. The premise? A verse in Isaiah foretells the future of America, down to the events of 9/11 and the stock market collapse of 2008.
Cahn makes a rather compelling case for how Isaiah 9:10 connects with the U.S. of today. He shows parallels between the fate of ancient Israel and the possible fate of the United States, should we not heed God’s call to return to him as a nation. If Cahn’s assertions are indeed true, this is a book that should be spread far and wide as a tool of awakening for our country, especially to the Christians within. However, the question of the book being fiction does make one think twice before shouting it from the mountaintops.
The book meanders a bit too much for my liking at times. It thoroughly explains its plot points, but in doing so sometimes bogs down the reader with excessive verbiage. That being said, I still stayed up until midnight reading it, so the author did something right!
The Man and I went out recently for my birthday (another B) and came back with four more books. We just might have to purge soon…our bookshelves overfloweth.
best regards
thomas from | |
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