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Oh, Fudge!

>> Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Don’t you love making Christmas cookies and candies? Okay, let me rephrase that. Don’t you love eating Christmas cookies and candies? Me too. I wish I could just skip to that part, but no dice. Today I’m working on some candy to send to Monkey Boy’s teachers—with visions of leftovers dancing in my head. The peppermint bark came out great! In fact, it came out so great that I’ve had to convince DSguy that he can’t have any more until I have all of the gifts made.

Chocolate fudge was on my list of must-have treats to put in the Christmas tins. Was is the operative word here. My attempt at making good old fashioned fudge was ho-ho-hopeless. (Hey, even Betty Crocker couldn’t bail me out this time!)

I dunno. Blame it on the altitude, a faulty candy thermometer, or sheer ineptness, but I ended up with a couple of jars of homemade chocolate fudge ice cream topping.

Well that’s not gonna fit in those tins. 



>> Sunday, December 5, 2010

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas...at least outside! After 14 years of marriage, The Man and I actually have put up exterior Christmas lights! Man, was I stoked. I love Christmas lights. The soft glow is beautiful, festive, calming. Well, usually it’s calming. I had to tone our lights down. The blinking pattern was so spastic I felt like I was looking into a strobe light. Add to this the fact that Monkey Boy can have seizures induced by flickering lights, and changing the pattern to a slow fade was a no-brainer.

I put the Christmas tree up that day, too. More lights! We turned off the ceiling light in the living room and watched TV by the glow of the tree. OK, not exactly a Norman Rockwell moment, but it worked for us.

The next day, I put the tree up again. And again. And again.

Monkey Boy had discovered how to topple a tree, no axe required. You’d have thought he was a lumberjack, he felled it so easily.

Thankfully, none of the ornaments were on the tree yet, so the damage was minimal. I just packed that sucker up and took it back to the garage. So much for trimming the tree photos for the scrapbook this year.

I’m thinking maybe I’ll make a tree out of green butcher paper and tape it to the ceiling. If I stick it in the center of the ceiling, it’ll take Monkey Boy a bit longer to figure out how to get it down. He does climb doorjambs, but as of yet he hasn’t sprouted suction cups from his feet, so I think the makeshift tree will be safe in the middle of the ceiling—at least for awhile. I’m hoping it’ll last until December 26th, anyway.

On second thought, maybe I’d be better off just draping some tinsel from the ceiling fan. Less work. Added bonus—on New Year’s Eve, I can just turn the fan on and voila! Instant confetti.


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